Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
Game design, Level design, Mission concept and scripting.
The Forts
Most of Black Flag was spent working on the Forts gameplay; prototyping layouts, design and design processes before integrating them into the large open ocean world of black flag.
There were 11 Forts in total across Black Flag.
Gameplay Design
All Naval Forts
Designed Forts Naval Combat gameplay and ground level layouts.
We build several foundational kit pieces of the Forts and created multiple Forts across the entire Caribbean ocean with a combination of multiple elements. A total of 11 forts was created for the Open World gameplay this way.
Gameplay Design / Combat Design
Layout -> Whitebox -> Greybox -> Finalization.
Level Design multiple path and playthroughs of Naval Forts layouts
Developing Kit Pieces to build multiple Fort Types quickly.
Scripting and Technical Design of Forts activity gameplay.
Mission Design
Sequence 5: Mission 1 - The Forts
The first mission to introduce the Forts as a key game play ingredient in the world of black flag.
Mission Design and Scripting
Layout and whiteboxing.
Sequence 11: MIssion 2 - Delirium
This mission was meant to depict Edward's nadir in his hero's journey, a deep dive into his psyche as its lowest point. I conceptualised much of the mission experience but did not end up scripting it. It still remains one of my favourite story beats in the whole game.
Story concept and mission design.